This page is depreciated.

Please refer to the latest installation guide.

RHEL* 8.4

Deprecation Notice

As of 2022-04-18 we are no longer providing updated packages for RHEL 8.4. Please update to one of the newer version listed below for continued package updates:

To install the latest general purpose GPU (GPGPU) software packages on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.4, add the Intel® software package repository and install the appropriate packages.

Add package repository

To install the package repository, add the following to your RHEL installation. Prior to copy/pasting to your console, you may want to run sudo ls and enter your password to prevent the commands from being swallowed by the sudo password prompt:

sudo dnf install -y 'dnf-command(config-manager)'
sudo dnf config-manager \
  --add-repo \

The above will make sure your system has the config-manager plugin for dnf installed. It will then use the config-manager to install the repository.

Install run-time packages

After adding the repository, you can install the GPU software packages by running the following:

sudo dnf install \
  intel-opencl \
  intel-media intel-mediasdk \
  level-zero intel-level-zero-gpu

If this is the first time you have installed a package from this repository, you may be prompted to import the GPG key. Select ‘y’ to accept the key.

OPTIONAL: Install developer packages

If you will be doing development, you may want to install optional development packages. oneAPI users will need to install these packages for some of the oneAPI tools to function correctly:

sudo dnf install --refresh \
  intel-igc-opencl-devel \
  intel-igc-cm \

Configuring permissions

To access GPGPU capabilities, a user needs to have the correct permissions. The following will list the group assigned ownership of the render nodes, and list the groups the active user is a member of:

stat -c "%G" /dev/dri/render*
groups ${USER}

If a group is listed for the render node which isn’t listed for the user, you will need to add the user to the group using gpasswd. In the following, the active user will be added to the ‘render’ group and a new shell spawned with that group active:

sudo gpasswd -a ${USER} render
newgrp render